happy monday =)
so the last few days..probably out of boredom...i've been thinking about getting a new tattoo. yup, a new one. maybe a bigger one, but i havent found anything that has provoked me to be like, "yeah, i want them!" but then i think about the last two tattoos i got. random and not well thought out..but when i walked in the parlor i found what i thought FIT ME at that time.
i hear people say: dont get senseless tattoos. but whats senseless to you may not be senseless to the person who got it even if its a tweety bird, right? like, maybe that symbolizes something about them that they permanently want to be reminded of. not something i would do but hey *shrugs*
ne who, so i'll share my tattoo story which is probably lead to giving me some idea of what my next tattoo will be.
scorpion - on foot (latest - may2009)
* i got it largely because it is my zodiac sign but the position of the tattoo was more important to me. close to all the nerves related to the every sensation of my body. it's a constant reminder that the pain getting it is just like the pain a scorpion can inflct. sneaky in nature and only provoked by threats. it says alot about me without having to say much. besides that, the period i was in my life at that moment REQUIRED this tattoo. a scorpion is a fighter by nature w/ outward defenses but my defenses aren't outward in nature. my scorpion tells me im in control of everything around me and nothing can overwhelm you or attack you unless you allow it to. at that time, i needed to be reminded of that.
flower w/ a vine - inside wrist (first - feb2009)
* symbolizes a period of change in my life. know that song w/ Aretha Franklin?lyrics: a rose is still a rose. babygirl, you're just a flower. yup, very much me realizing there were many more journeys i needed to go. it's small and often unnoticeable but when i see it im reminded of the conbo i had w/ the artist. i told him it was my first time. i asked him "will it hurt" & he said "of course! but it doesnt hurt worse than a broken heart" wow. it hit alot of realities w/ me right then. again, the position meant everything. inside the wrist. close to the nerves. the pain was...surreal but when it was over..i lived. it hurt but i lived. it hurt but i lived. yup, i was in a season of tough times and that flower w/ the vines said...you have alot of growing to do...
ne who. that was just on my mind this evening. & so is this song. enoy.
of montreal "the past is a grotesque animal" -
of montreal - i <3 u. i freakn <3 u.