YES my hair journey continues and im keeping my product use to a minimum while maximizing my styling potenial! im REALLY loving this natural hair journey this time around. it's making me be creative and explore other parts of me which is exactly what my last natural hair journey did but in a different way. THIS time around im totally aware of who i am and now im just playing with it...and dressing it up!
so i got a NEW protective style which i have totally fallen in love with and im really having fun trying new things with it. thanks to youtube and my own hands and water bottles...AND HairStopandShop for the discount ive really been able to transform, reform and mold my new hair piece! if you're interested in what the hairpiece is please visit: BK's new protective style at HairStopandShop
im not sure if everyone is a FAN of wigs. at first, i wasnt either. it freaked me out because after seeing so many lace front wigs out there (which i OPENLY hate)...i was totally against looking crazy with a false hairline and a crazy piece on my head that made me look...soulful (my new favorite word). but my last 2 protective styles have been wigs and have gotten rave reviews from friends, coworkers, strangers etc. so im just going to continue to run with it!
but as far as my hair regiment. im sticking to the basics. i've been really utilizing oils and hair milk (of any brannd) to keep my hair moisturized. with the changes in the Houston weather, i've gotten used to washing and co-washing my hair every 2-3 days and moisturizes my hair with the milk really good and putting on a shower cap overnight. i'll put my wig cap on and put on a hair piece to where for the day. it's been really great overall for my hair and it almost feels like it's growing out faster than expected. i'm trying REALLY hard to stay away from the "BIG CHOP" this time but we will see.
so here's some pics of my hair process lately and what the growth is looking like:

my hair dry

my hair after a day of conditioning and then braided

shower cap underneath and my current protective style VERY natural looking.
so im REALLY working out this hair thing and LOVING it! and i figured the song & video above was very fitting for the occassion. happy Monday, folks =)