i recently published an article with AC discussing some key points about make ups that can really be natural make unders! here's some items and tips that i'd like to share!
1. my faaaavvooorriiittteee mascara is MAYBELLINE Falsies Volume Express. i have no idea how i've gone my whole life with this mascara. i was previously using Covergirl's Lash Blast and was NOT impressed by the results. this mascara (Falsies) has just been the biggest increase to my look. without all the other things, this mascara is more than enough to update a look. you also do not need to apply alot in order to get a great appearance. i've included some application tips in the article.

2. LIP GLOSS -- a a huge love for Carmax. it's a great moisturizer for the lips but there's also great lip glosses that add these values also. my favorites tend to always come from Victoria Secret. I'm also a huge fan of Mary Kay nourishine gloss. After getting it as a gift for my bday last year, i've been hooked! I'm wearing at Carmax, VS Denimmania Sweatjeans gloss and the Marykay nourishine in this photo.

3. BLUSH! I don't have a product favorite. Right now...I'm doing a soft red lipstick to create a soft blush that works for my skin tone. For a dark skinned woman, I thought anything like blush and red lipstick would be ridiculous, but it's been the opposite. I've enjoyed playing with it. This webpage is quick, easy and helpful: http://www.easymakeuptutorial.com/blush-makeup-tutorial/

If nothing else, makeup doesn't have to make you look like a clown. Subtle enhancements are just as good as looking like a MAC make up applicator. Keep it simple for your busy and hectic days and add a little to dress up your evening.