im just a lady trying to figure it all out through my love and passion of writing. join me =)
Monday, June 20, 2011
i love the melody but why u keep forgetting the bass line?
^^ please watch. features Trombone Shorty. got acquainted with his talented while watching Treme. SICKNESS on the trombone. but the band is a killer!
wont lie. im not a sanger...i just like to sing. i like to dance around my living room for my own pure entertainment. i love music. and i was listening to Beyonce's 1+1, and it reminded me why i loved music. i was a band geek for 4 years, and i played the most unlikely instrument. the trombone. in my opinion, its the baddesstt bass line instrument, period! but i could simply be being biased. anywho, the only chick in the line, and i fell in love with this manly instrument.
there's something about a composition that it's beautiful unless you have a great bass line. the bass line dynamics are subtle but strong. when i played, we were always coming in towards the second verse of a piece, but it wasnt until we came in that i would notice our conductor feel in complete harmony. "yeesss..." he yelled while he conducted us. idk if he was having an orgasm or whether it was just complete joy in how beautiful it sounded up there. sitting in the back, even i could feel it when it was beautiful. my God...who reads music like that anymore? it's just something about it...
so when i was listening to 1+1 at work one day with my earphones on, i was captured. i heard a composition. i felt the musicality present in this song, and i heard the instruments. i heard the bass line. it was strong. it was present, and i was engulfed by it. i mean, i just dont get to enjoy music like i used to. listening to certain songs just to hear the instruments and the arrangement.
i used to envy those 1st soprano singers and treble clef instruments all in the spotlight..but who cares...the bass line is the icing on the cake and the foundation that holds the whole thing together. and ive reignited my love affair with music...if it'll have me...
if you havent heard 1+1 by Beyonce can hear it here
my opinion