im just a lady trying to figure it all out through my love and passion of writing. join me =)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
"thats gay!"
i was on TMZ earlier today and saw that Chris Brown made "news". any surprises there? anywho, all the attention has been brought to some words that Chris said. you can WATCH IT HERE.
now, Chris Brown doesnt to be the brightest crayon in the box nor has he appeared to learn that what he says will be sooo scrutinized that it would be in his best interest to shut up (so he probably continues to bring this on himself because he's stupid) but...offensive? idk! what he said could have been said by any black guy i run into. using "gay" can have many connotations (connotation means: a commonly known phrase) quite similar to how "nigga" is used (which is also stupidly said to the camera SMH). now, i have friends who were or have been GLBT, so i assume im a little bit understanding. i admit Chris Brown is DUMB...but a HOMOPHOBE??! i think thats just going too far!
i only single out this instance to say that we are living in a society that SUPER sensitive and SUPER intolerately tolerate. what i mean is...if you say ANYTHING that doesnt agree to the majority, you're absolutely wrong, things are taken out of context and you're a monster. On TMZ, right now, Chris Brown has issued an apology that TMZ quotes as saying "half ass". I don't even think Chris needed to apologize for saying, "that's gay". He might need to have apologize for being an idiot more than anything! Watch what you say with people! I wouldn't hang out with certain people and use the word "nigga" because it still makes people uncomfortable. If with family, it isn't abnormal for that word to be used.
one of the girls from TMZ stated, and i paraphrase, "i wouldnt want someone going around saying 'thats black'" well...that doesnt even coincide with this same argument. again, the connotation in which Chris used "gay" wasnt intended to say: "thats [a man who sleeps with other men]". thats out of context. to say "thats black" would be aiming at a race of people and Chris wasnt targeting a group of people. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SENSITIVE??! get over yourself!
i was just reading today another place, in the Bible in fact, where a word could easily be taken out of context. Luke 14:26 says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." Wait, did Jesus just say HATE your parents??! I guess he's also whatever -phobe people will come up with. But Jesus saying HATE hear is not the HATE that readily comes to mind. Jesus is trying to bridge the importance of denying your carnal temptation to allow others to distract you from following him. However, the connotation doesnt necessary mean to HATE your parents the way we know it to mean. It was just a stronger way of voicing a thought to get across a point. See, a different connotation.
im often really annoyed by the GLBT organizations that are quick to jump on people who appear to be intolerate to their alternative lifestyle yet SO intolerate to those who say ANYTHING that offends them as if no GLBT, individually, cannot be offensive. Now an entire coalition needs to be defended against a 20 something kid saying, "thats gay!"??? Now, I'm officially offended, and I totally think that's gay.
I guess we both should be going to sensitivity training. Sorry if I offended anyone.
my opinion