gearing up for bed...turned on my TANK pandora station (idk why i do that to myself...playin with Tank!) and then Trey Songz "sex aint better than love" comes on. now ive heard this song hit the radio a few times and never really paid much attention to it. because of alot of the music trey songz had generally put out before, theres no way i could find myself taking this one, seriously, you think LOVE is better than SEX? who knew?
it all seems a bit contrary to some of his music money makers. in theory, i would readily agree with the song. love is better than having random sex with someone you dont love. but then i took a step back and thought about the general idea of sex and i think trey touches on it a bit in the song when he says "and it feels bad and it feels so good" and i think that pretty much sums up what sex kind of falls into...very little...
if you have found yourself in the situation where you have been with someone who you didnt a committed relationship may agree that sex tends to have zero to no security. even when two people knowingly go into it casually...the likelihood of both coming out of the situation the same way they came in is unrealistic and unlikely. have you seen the movie "friends with benefits"? i think its a great sum up of how sloppy the concept can become. even more so, in the long run, difficult for women to comprehend and keep separate no matter how much they are aware of what is going on. its just UNNATURAL for a woman, particularly, to be absolutely disconnected from a man that she knowingly connected herself to. this doesnt mean the sex isnt good...i can just become complicated and then youre in public places trying to avoid this person whose name you cant remember or had a bitter text fight with that resulted in neither of you speaking again.....yeah, one of those situations...
& the security of love makes the act of sex...different. there is absolutely a purpose why God wanted us married before engaging in the act that would (1) generate children (2) provide pleasure and definitely allow two people to connect in a way that God intended..and thats for two to become 1.
so i guess i do agree with is definitely better. there are few words to describe what that level of intimacy is like between two committed individuals. and although a few *tank* or *trey songz* tracks could EAASSSILLLYYY lead to necessary yet unnecessary thoughts and situations...he got it right on this one. and its such a nice track to add...