Tuesday, December 27, 2011

different worlds colliding.

last week in the new year, and im not quite ready. putting my 2012 plans on paper is kind of scary. to me, its like a binding contract between myself...and God. and i hate breaking promises. but its a progress and i at least have until Saturday midnight.

however i was motivated to write due to an evening encounter. getting in heavy work outs this week...i stopped by the bookstore on my way to the studio. scheming around this guy comes near and asks if thats actually something i read. it was the infamous Fredrick Douglass autobiography i hadnt finished weeks ago. i slightly believed that by buying it i would probably actually finish it this time. the last time i only borrowed it from the library, renewed it three times before the library said my love affair with the book was over. i think i only read half...if that...

i told him, "not really..." and just kind of explained the story i had with the book. we sort of just chatted and began to discover we had plenty in common. we had the same favorite museum, wanted to see the same exhibit, hes a poet, writer, tech student and taught classes on afro culture etc etc. like a breath of fresh air in a place id like to consider a haven of mines...this interesting and exciting man in my haven space?

all of a sudden, in the vibe, he asks me for my number. of course i said yes! we run into a faith talk where he shamelessly admits that Jesus is an "alternative" and not "the way". i simply replied, "interesting". looking at my watch, i wasnt interested in a debate and he seemed to be fishing for it...and i was silently breaking...he went from everything to WTH in a sentence...

felt like two of the same people who lived in different worlds colliding. and that fun laugh turned into a side eye, and i was sadden. yes, all this in the bookstore. but im still interested in this fellow. with my number already stored, i assume this wont be the last of him. im not sure if God's testing or encouraging me to crank in these new and preserved lessons...

we shall see...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

woman with flower

as an antique flower enthusiast (i only own one) this poem seemed to speak far above the planting she seemed to be describing. i LOVE great imagery..and fabulously used metaphors. job well done poet. i hope to be this good with words someday.

Woman With Flower

By Naomi Long Madgett

I wouldn't coax the plant if I were you.

Such watchful nurturing may do it harm.

Let the soil rest from so much digging

And wait until it's dry before you water it.

The leaf's inclined to find its own direction;

Give it a chance to seek the sunlight for itself.

Much growth is stunted by too careful prodding,

Too eager tenderness.

The things we love we have to learn to leave alone.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

11 things to know by 25(ish)

YES this article makes a whole lot of sense! i think it's definitely share worthy and anyone at 25(ish) or younger could use it as a solid reference. READ IT HERE, and you'll find yourself self evaluating and challenging yourself even more than you probably already are!

God's Word says in Ecclesiastes 11:9 to "be happy while you are young and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever you see, but know that for all these things God will bring you judgment." It's basically backing up this very article. We have so much time as young people to do GREAT things and MIGHTY works. We must not be idle but persistent, and I HIGHLY encourage you to continue by reading Ecclesiastes 12.

Relevant Magazine is officially one of my new favorite online mags for reference! Browse around and check it out!

He is not idle...

the year is winding down...maybe everything on your year's "to do" list didn't get down but praise God that each day is actually a new day. we sow and we reap. we sow and we reap. and we live another day to do it again. be encouraged by this simple yet powerful verse. dream on dreamers.

Psalm 126:5 
"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy"

Friday, December 9, 2011

dream on dreamer.

do you know joseph? you might see him in yourself. here's a little background. joseph was the 11th son of jacob and rachel. jacob favored joseph and eventually gave joesph a coat of many colors. this favoritism caused joseph's brothers to envy him greatly.

but the point of all this begins at Genesis 37:1-11 when joseph shares with his brothers two dreams that he had: (1) joseph and his brothers gathered bundles of grain. then, all the grain bundles that had been prepared by the brothers gathered around joseph's bundle and bowed down to it. (2) the sun (father), the the moon (mother) and eleven stars (brothers) bowed down to joseph himself.

these dreams really didn't sit well with the brothers considering the implication that the family would be bowing down to him. even more so, jacob took serious thought to what joseph was saying, and this mad the brothers even more upset!


i think of joesph's story whenever the word VISION crosses my mind. i know im a big dreamer. i accomplish one goal and im already onto the next one that very moment, but as of recently, everything..including vision has seemed overwhelming. everything's moving much faster than i can keep up with.

and joesph's story (which you can read in its entirety from Genesis 37-50) is a constant reminder that dreaming that is ultimately vision will come with alot of combat. if you continue to read his story, he runs into plenty of obstacles. i once read that a dream is an empty vision and vision is a dream taking action. according to scripture, i cannot say that i now believe this to be true. i believe God sets us up for vision to just be revealed even without our help...the key to vision is not always about keeping it in front of you but persevering through the obstacles. i don't recall in his story where joesph spoke blatantly about the steps he was going to take to reach those dreams. he just KNEW what God put in him (another key is knowing God breathed it). he had no idea how they would become true, but he knew that it was God's vision.

take this from joesph...every obstacle is a step. when God puts it (whatever your it is) in you, he doesn't NEED help to make those visions real. all he needs is you to operate as a vessel and in order to do so, you must press through the struggles that make you want to step back and quit. with God, all things are possible. without Him, nothing is worth chasing. don't quit. He needs you to do what He's sent you to do.

dream on dreamers.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

hate you

i lie here
regretting it again
the process of lostness
and that euphoria of the present that makes you think
look at us..in love again

yesterday i promised id never see you again
took my own word for it and deleted everything that reminded me of you
but my mind wasnt interested in keeping up with the physical disposal
and running into you just dont help it too
we just go back doing what old lovers do...
chase old memories, laugh like besties and wonder why we could never make it work...
then we fight about the things of old like it never gets old
swear off each other until we're screaming
yet the adrenaline rush from all the fuss only operates as foreplay
got us naked again...
and when i look at you i keep expecting you to say,
"i miss you. i cant go another day without you."
then mama's "i told you so" wouldnt matter...
predictably you smile at me and said, "man, i love the freak you."
crushed again.

today, i lie here
regretting it again
hate you for loving me good but hating me fairly enough that ive lost reality
solemnly weak
silly girl in rotation

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Gospel...in 4 minutes. Yes, in 4 minutes. I was captivated when this was shared with us last night, and I couldn't have found a better way to sum up Jehovah. I hope this encourages you like it did me!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


He is here and here am i…
Yeah, I could use better words for it like…
Yo, im absorbed in his possession and im attracted to his vibration
Captivated by his dynamic, full and exciting glow right now
Nah, none of that is necessary…
Because in just a minutes I’ll teach you what he taught me
Less is better. 
No need for new big and philosophical words to convey a message.
Because right now…we are here
he is shifted on his left side with me on his right side
his right hand sifting through my hair as he eases into sleep
wish you could see him…I call him beautiful. He calls me strength
See, simple words.
I can’t sleep. I’m laying next to beautiful and how many beautiful men do I know?
Besides Jesus and my daddy…he is the third. He’s completed my trinity. I love him.
I determined this before making love to him, yes, tonight…
He shared his passions with me – in short words of course
Love. Family. Revolution.
“It all begins in the heart,” He said. “Men need to know how the heart works to enact change,” He continued. I listened. He’s a teacher. I’m a student.
“Heart? Really?” I asked. He was coiling my lengthy cotton-esque hair in his fingers.
“Heart. But it’s because of strength. Heart comes from strength. It overcomes. It towers because it has a mission. You are strength. I am heart.”
Nope, I’ve determined he is beautiful.
I realized it even more so afterwards when he kissed me softly on my shoulders and repositioned his place in my life with a simply being honest. real. open.
I'm overwhelmed that I even know him. 
I am grateful.
He is beautiful. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Black Butterfly.

long time.

i was sharing tunes with my mama.
and every song seems like somethiing ive lived before.
but this one song...mama says, "oh i remember this song..."
and proceeds to share a story about when she was driving over a bridge when
this deniece williams classic came on the radio. i wasnt yet born.
she said it "changed her life". and could i believe that music can "change your life"?
of course i do. i was really encouraged by that.
it almost instantly felt this song was also...my song...

this short rant was simply to say...whats your song? what encourages you?
i started running through my mind all the countless times i stayed up
as a teenager at late and early hours just listening to music...
alot of it...changed my life, encouraged my artistry and shaped who i am.
and im thinking, "my God. what is it that my children will be encouraged by?"
of course, Christ. but music that can truly stick with you...is that even alive for the youngsters anymore?

idk...it just ran through my mind...how different things were from what they are now.
i sometimes wish...we had those classic hits that came before me in our generation. this particular song didnt even release until 1984. i wasnt born until 1986.

i guess im just old school.. but i just wanted to share that.

if you are interested...

Houston's African American Museum and Culture Center is hosting a symposium THIS weekend titled: Africans in America-The New Beat of Afropolitans! I highly encourage you to check it out and support these events. I have attached the link here: http://www.hmaac.org/afropolitan_schedule.html

Friday, August 5, 2011

BUMP WORTHY: L.O.V.E by Justin Forsett


utter sarcasm above but to some intent...i think these titles of his may be oxymoronic. i shouldnt be surprised at the lyrical content but i am and THRILLED that this brotha has no shame in sharing his love for his wife and praising God in the midst of it! go Jesus! i hope this video becomes infectious. i love black love and i love Jesus motivated black love even more!

check out. it's cute! if i was his wife, i'd blush (if i could) and be honored to be his queen! i hope God continues to duplicate men like these...i know they are out there!

iGiggle at the lil rap segment & how the dude on Justin's right (whom i believe is a team mate) gets all Pretty Ricky-ish and some kind of i-wanna-be-the-lead-singer symdrome. lol very cute!

happy friday!

Houston: Don't miss out!

If you're not aware, the City of Houston and HISD are hosting a Back to School festival this Saturday at George R. Brown Convention Center from 8-12noon. It's free admission, and that's not all that's free...

- School supplies & Uniforms (while supplies last)
- Immunizations (with valid shot record brought with you)
- Health screenings
- City resources and more!

I encourage all students and parents to attend...yes, even college students can go for grabs! It's essential to take advantage of these resources in the city when at a state and federal level it is difficult for cities to host events like these...so this is HUGE! And I'm loving it!

Get out there early! =)

If you'd like information about public transportation to GRB, please visit ridemetro.org. You can take the kiddies to Discovery Green (across the street) after! WITH HEAT ADVISORY CAUTION.

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's summer! What ru doing?

Summer has been in Houston since March/April, but it's officially in full force, and you should be enjoying all that it has to offer! So the question looms, what are you doing? Trying anything new?

I've compiled a list of upcoming events in the city and state wide you should be taking advantage of when you can! Aside from the usual, try some of these to add some quirky to your routine!

- Houston's Restaurant Weeks (August 1-31) If there's nothing more we like to do in Houston, we LOVE to eat! New eateries, dessert bars and interesting boutique style spots are all over the city! Check out more info here: http://www.houstonrestaurantweek.com

- Reggae Fest (October 15-16) Make your calendars! Houston is hosting the Good Karma Fest. Details are still pending and will be posted here: http://www.legendsofrastareggaefestival.com/

- Scott Gertner's Sky Bar (August 2011) You're probably saying, "It's closed!" Yes, the old location in 4th ward is closed, but the new location is being resurrected downtown at Houston Pavillion and way better than the one we all remember! You can "like" SkyBar on Facebook to stay updated. According to the website, VIP membership is being solicited. If interested, go here: http://www.scottgertner.com/scottgertnershoustonpavilions.html

- Do you love wine? (Every other Wednesday & special events) Attended some of these great events and had a great time! Opportunity to meet new people, sip a little wine and relax! I recommend ladies to attend: Women & Wine Wednesdays. You can receive the meeting dates at different venues here: http://www.womenwinewednesday.com/ but all are welcome to Water 2 Wine for dates, meetings and they also host an array of events. This week, they are having a gathering for happy hour priced wines by the glass, tastings and a movie! Need I say more? http://www.water2wine.us/houston/

There's plenty of venues that have great happy hours, networking events and gathering places to meet new people just search them out! Houston Press is a great resource for interesting things to check out!

Friday, June 24, 2011

excercise myths...BUSTED!

Happy Friday! This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24)

I woke up this morning and realized I lost some weight when I jumped on the scale. Sweet! That's what I thought in my head. Pretty good since I haven't hit the gym in a little over a week because my knee had become bothersome (thanks to an old knee injury from highschool cheerleading). So, I had to chill on those 6 mile runs and started subbing them for pole dancing (yes! pole dancing) & dance in general. Wow! These are indeed body shaping substitutes that I'm proud of! Needless to say, I'll probably be back in the gym soon, but my healthy eating (aside for cupcakes and ice creams weekly) I'm doing pretty darn good and I look pretty good too (if I do say do myself)!

ANYWAY, I was browsing CNN and came across this great article. I hate reading health fitness articles. Everybody has a different perspective, and I've come to the conclusion that if you know your body you know what works for you! However, this article helped put some long mystifying thoughts in my head (and from what i've heard) to rest! READ IT HERE. IT'S FRIDAY. Your boss isn't watching. =)


1. Interested in pole fitness in Houston? Click here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"thats gay!"

i was on TMZ earlier today and saw that Chris Brown made "news". any surprises there? anywho, all the attention has been brought to some words that Chris said. you can WATCH IT HERE.

now, Chris Brown doesnt to be the brightest crayon in the box nor has he appeared to learn that what he says will be sooo scrutinized that it would be in his best interest to shut up (so he probably continues to bring this on himself because he's stupid) but...offensive? idk! what he said could have been said by any black guy i run into. using "gay" can have many connotations (connotation means: a commonly known phrase) quite similar to how "nigga" is used (which is also stupidly said to the camera SMH). now, i have friends who were or have been GLBT, so i assume im a little bit understanding. i admit Chris Brown is DUMB...but a HOMOPHOBE??! i think thats just going too far!

i only single out this instance to say that we are living in a society that SUPER sensitive and SUPER intolerately tolerate. what i mean is...if you say ANYTHING that doesnt agree to the majority, you're absolutely wrong, things are taken out of context and you're a monster. On TMZ, right now, Chris Brown has issued an apology that TMZ quotes as saying "half ass". I don't even think Chris needed to apologize for saying, "that's gay". He might need to have apologize for being an idiot more than anything! Watch what you say with people! I wouldn't hang out with certain people and use the word "nigga" because it still makes people uncomfortable. If with family, it isn't abnormal for that word to be used.

one of the girls from TMZ stated, and i paraphrase, "i wouldnt want someone going around saying 'thats black'" well...that doesnt even coincide with this same argument. again, the connotation in which Chris used "gay" wasnt intended to say: "thats [a man who sleeps with other men]". thats out of context. to say "thats black" would be aiming at a race of people and Chris wasnt targeting a group of people. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SENSITIVE??! get over yourself!

i was just reading today another place, in the Bible in fact, where a word could easily be taken out of context. Luke 14:26 says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." Wait, did Jesus just say HATE your parents??! I guess he's also whatever -phobe people will come up with. But Jesus saying HATE hear is not the HATE that readily comes to mind. Jesus is trying to bridge the importance of denying your carnal temptation to allow others to distract you from following him. However, the connotation doesnt necessary mean to HATE your parents the way we know it to mean. It was just a stronger way of voicing a thought to get across a point. See, a different connotation. 

im often really annoyed by the GLBT organizations that are quick to jump on people who appear to be intolerate to their alternative lifestyle yet SO intolerate to those who say ANYTHING that offends them as if no GLBT, individually, cannot be offensive. Now an entire coalition needs to be defended against a 20 something kid saying, "thats gay!"??? Now, I'm officially offended, and I totally think that's gay.

I guess we both should be going to sensitivity training. Sorry if I offended anyone. 

happy hump day: memory.

i was browsing YouTube and this video was suggested to me. OOOHHH MYYY GAAAHHHH...i remember singing this song at Hightower...2004..graduation! super long time ago (when i think about it). this song was sad..but freshing! we were all so young then...embarking on so many new beginnings! the person am i now and the new people ive come to know...i would have never thought it for myself! good memories with this song! it's hump day! am i the only one glad? =) by the way, we sang waaayyy better than them. check out the bass line tho!

loss of innocence

the loss of innocence

i simply have been revoked innocence
it's as if it doesnt even EXIST anymore
that simplicity is no longer equitable to me...or you
& accepting that fact might be the hardest thing to do

i heard when you've taken away almost everything somebody knows
they become a different person - strictly in survival mode
they just have the need to survive and the will to live
..& thats when everything that brought comfort & innocence was taken away
Innocence doesn’t live in them anymore…

sometimes i wish i could go back there...
like, you think a few years ago when your mind couldnt wrap around
some of the things that now your mind cant help but wonder about...
remember when lisa frank stickers was your biggest argument?
& not about issues with the bank over your credit card bill?
Remember when playing in a loose field meant trying to find a four leaf clover to play,
“He loovveesss me, he loves me not…”

& the world doesnt allow room for simplicity anymore
everything is over the TOP
nothing of VALUE is valued
someone has to GIVE but no one EVER does
people who were once "friends" become strangers...
...& you're not even interested in them anymore...
its ALWAYS about u & never about US
how can i help you? What do you need?
I mean, what ever happened to community?
just the DESIRE to care for someone and never expecting anything in return…
can we just to be a brother or sister's keeper...??

i just miss the innocence & i mourn its loss....
that one day...
my children (and yours) are going to come into the world where "happiness" equals wealth
over-stimulated by reality tv, sex, lust and money
& Hell becomes an unreal place that it's synonymous to "Heaven" on Earth
i fear for the world & its people...

so i wear my black veil in silence
see, i see people i thought i knew and pray for them...
with wisdom comes a state of misery that nothing that once was makes SENSE nemore
I more you, innocence
if no one misses you - at least i do
cause id give back all the flesh & contents i own..
to rekindle what God wanted us to NEVER take forgranted...

Monday, June 20, 2011

fear is so uncool.

topic this morning: FEAR.

i once heard someone say: fear is fake evidence appearing real.

i always thought that sounded corny as hell. & it still does but i can see where the logic came from and my mind was busy in another dimension when this acrynomn crossed my mind and im like wait...what if fear is REAL? is that impossible?

people have fears all the time. they have fears of REAL situations. fear of losing their job due to lay offs. fear of not being a good parent with a new baby on the way. fear of marriage. fear of intimacy. fear of God. fear of life. fear of aspirations. fear of going into a new business venture. fear of meeting new people. fear of...anything. fear is real to me.

& i consider what fear evokes in people. it creates a whole line of "what-if" situations. it makes us second guess our first mind. or maybe it's our first mind asking us to make sense of a very real fear.

i was listening to a sermon from T.D. Jakes that my sister <3 sent me about making decisions. i probably listened to the part 4 sermon 3 times at work that day and im like...he makes such a complex thought process sound so easy. is God really that easy or do we just complicate Him because of fear? lack of faith?

i recall Jakes saying: you don't have to call on the Lord when you need to go to the bathroom to get His advice on that. He created your mind to make sense of that but you NEED to speak to Him when a decision becomes a point of transition. you dont just DIVE into a situation & then pray. by then, you would have probably made...a bad decision...

& so i look at myself! sometimes i think i THINK too much. how about putting faith to work so i can work less! how about truly praying for decernment so i can relinquish control of uncontrollable situations. how much feeling at ease w/ the concept of fear....

i am a prayerful person. i ask alot of questions. i appreciate these things about me. but at some point...enough is enough. either you're in it or you're not & just perservere through the fear. GOOD things can also be FEARFUL

& so i go back to my opening statement from someone i heard tell me before: fear is fake evidence appearing real. see, i think this applies when you've come to a place where you're SURE of something yet SCARED of the outcome of it all. the hurdles that you'll have to cross over. the pain you're going to have feel. the emotions that may live w/ you forever in the process. that's FEARFUL.

but i love Hebrews 11:1 [[faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see]] because it often reminds me that FEAR can be FAKE in very REAL situations. it's like a test of faith. a test of your endurance. a test of your knowledge. a test of strength.

this entry is definately a testament for me right now but im sure it could be for you too. keep pushing. seek counsel & pray often. a confirmation will come & you'll just move in the MIDST of the FEAR! i've spent the entire month teaching the lesson about FAITH and men and women in the Bible who acted in FEAR through FAITH.

i recall when Jesus went to fast for 40 days and 40 nights and the Devil came to tempt Him. can you imagine...the devil coming to tempt Jesus Himself? The mighty Son of the Father? hmph, not once should we believe that we're exempt from these tough times but thank God for His Word and His Son who have offered endless examples...

day 31 - praying

i love the melody but why u keep forgetting the bass line?

^^ please watch. features Trombone Shorty. got acquainted with his talented while watching Treme. SICKNESS on the trombone. but the band is a killer!

wont lie. im not a sanger...i just like to sing. i like to dance around my living room for my own pure entertainment. i love music. and i was listening to Beyonce's 1+1, and it reminded me why i loved music. i was a band geek for 4 years, and i played the most unlikely instrument. the trombone. in my opinion, its the baddesstt bass line instrument, period! but i could simply be being biased. anywho, the only chick in the line, and i fell in love with this manly instrument.

there's something about a composition that it's beautiful unless you have a great bass line. the bass line dynamics are subtle but strong. when i played, we were always coming in towards the second verse of a piece, but it wasnt until we came in that i would notice our conductor feel in complete harmony. "yeesss..." he yelled while he conducted us. idk if he was having an orgasm or whether it was just complete joy in how beautiful it sounded up there. sitting in the back, even i could feel it when it was beautiful. my God...who reads music like that anymore? it's just something about it...

so when i was listening to 1+1 at work one day with my earphones on, i was captured. i heard a composition. i felt the musicality present in this song, and i heard the instruments. i heard the bass line. it was strong. it was present, and i was engulfed by it. i mean, i just dont get to enjoy music like i used to. listening to certain songs just to hear the instruments and the arrangement.

i used to envy those 1st soprano singers and treble clef instruments all in the spotlight..but who cares...the bass line is the icing on the cake and the foundation that holds the whole thing together. and ive reignited my love affair with music...if it'll have me...

if you havent heard 1+1 by Beyonce yet...you can hear it here

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BUMP WORTHY: summer trax

A little over a month since my last post, folks! Are you excited about what God is doing for you? Through you? I AM!

I'd like to share a few tracks though that are just absolutely awesome to me right now in no particular order at all!

1. Solange "Left Side Drive"
2. Beyonce "1+1"
3. Vashawn Mitchell "Nobody Greater"
4. Kirk Franklin "Smile"
5. Rihanna "Man Down"

i love this song. solange has really grown on me alot these past few years listening to her music. she's in her own lane, and it's nothing like her sister...which is refreshing to me. plus, she cut all her hair off and now has a super sick disgustly awesome afo...i loves her for that! it's a beautiful soft indie type track.

loovveeeee this song! ugh, makes you realize how REAL love is. love love LOVE this one. im gonna pretend that she never released that nonsense called "run the world" and this is OFFICIALLY the original single. im a sucker for a beautiful love song. you can feel the love in this and whats better than summer love? :)

not only is he absolutely talented...he's absolutely handsome and most importantly...he loves the Lord! ive loved this song since i first heard and the video just brought life to it. every song vashawn has released has pulled at my heart strings about what it means to lavish your love on the Lord! when i hear a vashawn track, i wanna be that woman who dipped her hair in the perfume and wiped Jesus' feet with it! you're reminded of just how truly awesome God is and how truly unworthy we are and just how gracious He really is. man, thats really really what love is.

i didnt like this song at first! idk why but i didnt. it grew on me after awhile. i had to focus in on the lyrics. i heard it on the radio one day after work and i just started to smile. the song is infectious! i just started to think about how much God has given to me thats allowed me to even be able to AFFORD the car that im driving right now! then i realized the video was released on 106...went to peep it and danggone thing ha a few tears in the corners of my eyes. God is awesome, man! the colorfulness of this video just really makes you smile and we are so lucky God uses men like Kirk to bring to life His Word through music.

nothing really special about why i love this song! i dont think there's a video for it yet, but im a sucker for a good reggae jam! Aren't all Caribbean/African people?

on that note. EVERYTHING is well with my soul right now. God has been doing a good work around me, for me and through me (even if i dont see it), and im grateful for it all. sooooo many lessons learned in this short month season. i hope you love these songs like i do. =)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FAST REPORT: im stepping out.

in case you're still counting: it's DAY 26 with 4 days to go. it just jetted by, right? wow.

well, im coming full circle in this social networking fast. the commercial i saw that brought this all on came on as i was dosing off to sleep and im really glad i was motivated to it. although i havent read A Call to Die in a few days and not nearly as close to be done as i'd like to...it's a book of lessons AND ive added another book to my reading list as soon as im done with this one called: Jesus Withouth Religion. I'm excited to read it.

anyways. the past month we've been teaching the kids about: humility. definately a lesson for me as much as its been for them. A Call to Die is about: humility. my life in the last month has been about: humility. i just needed to really drill that lesson in my mind about putting things of priority...FIRST! it came to me that the thing that i should be putting first most of all is TIME. time is so available but limited and essential yet freeing. and everything about what im motivated to do is contingent in God's timing...not my own...

ive been on so many time contraints in the last month that ive just asked God to give me some wiggle room and all i can really hear from Him is that i need to allow that extra 15-30 minutes i waste doing the miscelleanous to stay focused on the agenda He has laid out. a leap of faith. a moment to step out of the ordinary to be in unordinary spaces and be welcomed by them...

i realized that first hand today as i stepped into a room of women i did not know and pitched several of them my goals and vision. scary and out of the ordinary but so welcoming. it was out of my comfort zone, but i didnt know that stepping out of my comfort zone would be so comforting.

i praise God for this short season to fully fellowship with Him out of distractions, but im looking forward to what lies ahead and whatever these  next days of the fast have in store. i have a few days until my move and a few days until i confirm that i have the next job im hoping for. please pray, Saints!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

dare i say...BUMP WORTHY???

yes, indeed. i've found a new track that i actually really like! took a short road trip this past week, and i'm a Sirius radio lover so THE HEAT was definately my station of choice. they kept playing this song, which i assume is new, by Jim Jones called "Perfect Day".

I'm an avid music lover, mostly extra old stuff. I enjoy that music more often because it always makes me feel like I'm going through a story. I like to visualize where the artist is taking me, the sounds they put together to take you there and the lyrical content is the foundation. It's like building a cake!

Won't lie, I never found myself to be in love with anything by Jim Jones, but this one is definately a softer touch and definately something I like. I'm actually looking forward to whatever new things he has going on that might be similar to this new single's feel.

Dare I say...BUMP WORTHY??! Yes, it is! Great flow, variety in beat and decent lyrical content that you can see exactly where he's going. He takes you there, and you don't feel like you will probably get shot going there. LOL I mean, the dude IS pretyt intimidating. Didn't you see that episode of HipHop Wives?? Ow, lawd. Anyway, please enjoy.

It's a beautiful day in Houston. I'm impressed with this track, and it's very fitting for the day. Aren't we all just looking forward to a "perfect day"?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

is charlie sheen "winning"?

now that the media chaos surrounding charlie sheen has died down because he is now on "tour", i have seen any RAVE reviews about his "performances" at all. yes, these " " are intentional.

i will not lie. when charlie sheen started acting crazy, i was watching every interview to catch his newest catch phrase or some other craziness that would come out of his mouth. it was hilarious and contagious to watch but now i feel like an accessory to uber foolishness. charlie sheen CLEARLY needs help.

from the latest show reviews, this "tour" has no substance. i would never consider paying to see him spiral but i wonder what kind of people would actually pay to sit in an arena to hear him spit the craziness that he spit on television. are Americas really THAT insensitive...and stupid with money? i read in an article that people started booing when he became too "preachy" and continued to say that "nobody wants to hear about that". They also booed him when he said he was no longer doing drugs. How disgusting, right? That the sole purpose of paying to see him is to see him act crazy. Who would PAY for that?

it makes to me wonder about the moral compass of the nation and the moral compass of most people...i should really reserve that for a different discussion...

but back to the question: is charlie sheen "winning"? YES! he's on "tour" with the sole intent to cash in your stupidity before you actually come to your senses. not only that, he's called out his audiences, in his narcissistic way, to state that they paid to see him and had NO IDEA what they were getting...he's got your money already and none of the shows are refundable...GENIUS!

if charlie sheen is on drugs...what is everybody else on?

Friday, April 8, 2011

ode to my loaner phone

i have a motorola cliq....less a than a year of having it and it hates me. it's not longer charging and it has a mind of its own. it comes on and off when it wants to and it ends my calls whenever it feels like...pretty freakin annoying. but i love the features of this phone. it's death (or unconscious state) has left me phone for a little while. pretty depressing.

found out tmobile has loaner phone....yyeeesss. totally put them in a positive place in my book after being pissed at them for so long with their wack phones...but this loaner phone isnt like a phone ive seen since the first time i had a phone ages ago...

it's basic. the basic functions. the sum of everything u basically need a phone and one thing that a smartphone DEFINATELY cannot compete with...BATTERY LIFE! i have literally not put this phone a charger in probably...3 days and it hasnt moved from full battery yet! every smartphone owner knows that this is basically unheard of. even more so, you know that leaving your house WITHOUT your phone charger is just an evil mistake waiting to happen.

so i just wanted to give a dedication to the loaner: Sony Ericsson Equinox for being so darn awesome despite being uber basic. and in honor of the "ode" i'd like to share a song that pays an "ode to marvin" =) enjoy

Monday, April 4, 2011

FAST REPORT: did you ask for it?

i had every sole intention to talk about a bumper sticker i saw on a car today. ive seen it 2-3 days in a row, but i guess it's fitting to include it in the new topic that just came to me while watching Steve Harvey host Praise the Lord on TBN. he made a statement that started ringing bells in my head: a passion and a gift is two different things. so whats your gift? have you asked (God)?

i sat there and thought for a minute...going through my mind what my passion(s) and what my gift(s) were and are. based on what he shared, a passion is something that you chase after because you feel like ur obligated to it. its a drive in you. a gift is something that was given to you that cant be taken away but with God...we still have to discover what that is. for some, it is easy to discover. for others, it takes a while. he went on to say that someone once told him that there's two important times in your life: 1. the day you were born 2. the day you discover why you were born

i feel very comfortable in the life God's granted me so far. he has allowed me to become a better giver and in turn, he has blessed me, covered me, allowed good people to be in my life and im grateful. but since starting this fast, since starting some other new ventures...im like, "Lord...WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO???" It's scary when you feel a little left out of God's loop. Questions go through your mind that possibly you missed that whisper you should have caught.

But I'm on Day 15 of A Call to Die (25 days to go) and the title is "The Risk of Grace". And it's teaching the lesson that real grace is walking in obediance in a radical situation. think about Peter, Paul and countless others who follwoed Christ despite not being aware exactly where Jesus was going.

It reminds that the same goes for following a gift versus seeking after a passion. There's risk. But the common thread is being able to decipher the difference in the direction that you should go....

one of the statements in this Day of the books says: If you and I are serious about following Christ, we can be assured of two things: suffering and God's strength to endue it in faith.

i think that statement brings great comfort to deciding whats a passion and whats your gift in this life. the fear of not knowing when or where to go makes us stay stagnant and deny the innate gift God gave each of us which is...is TAKE RISKS & ASK QUESTIONS.

and so the irony of all the day's events come back to the bumper sticker i saw the past few days: well behaved women rarely make history. God's really keeping my eyes open lately. im challenging myself to decipher my passions and my gifts to pinpoint my missions.

surely God has the answers for us..the question is: are we asking the right questions?

in case you're counting: it's day 11 of the fast.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

dont blow me away.

i was in a solo kind of mood and figured id share one of my favorite songs from the Solo-Angel and Hadley St. Dreams album...

aren't we all like sandcastle sometimes? we're built well but can easily feel like we can be blown away? with one swift motion, everything can some crumbling down. i think that people who are perceived as STRONG are the tallest sandcastles. would you agree? i mean, we have to be strong, confident and bold for so many reasons. our hopes are to see the well intentions of those around us and to be disappointed makes the sandcastle walls crumble a little bit.

aren't we all like sandcastles sometimes?

idk..i was just in a Solo mood. seriously, this album kills. happy Sunday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

FAST REPORT: im starving.

cloudy day in houston on a wednesday thats actually pretty awesome in my book. it's mid week. friday is almost here but the clouds are only a prelude to the thought that i could and should be working this weekend. depressing to even consider but im moving right along to my theme today....HUNGER.

im really doing good on my eating habits. when i crave, i eat what i crave. i enjoy it thouroughly but im cautious about the foods i indulge in and when. im a food addict. i love food. i like trying new foods and lately...i find myself getting hungry waaayyy too often. maybe its because that late night work out...burning all those calories then i feel the need to eat. i usually turn to an apple, but if im up long enough...it turns into 2-3 bowls of cereal (usually raisin bran crunch).

but i had a late meeting at church tonight, and i was debating whether to go work out...i was getting hungry just thinking about it. my mind was racing about where i could stop to eat. wasnt in the mood for fast food, and i only like to eat at Fadi's on Thursdays. then i remembered i had a coupon for jack in the box...yes! i love coupons in fact. i used one of my jack in the box coupons this past weekend. and all i wanted was to pull up to a drive thru and get two tacos and a regular cookies and cream shake.....soooo good! with the coupon i'd be getting a 3-4 combo for $1....thats amazing, right??!

so im coming to the light where jack in the box is...and i keep driving! i couldnt understand why my arms wouldnt turn the wheel and go into the drive thru. i opted for the gym instead with a 1.5 hour work out to drain the disgust i had of myself wanting to see those delicious calories at this late in the evening. it'd be days to work it off. but i was reading Day 14 of A Call to Die and what was the title??? Can you just guess?

The title was: Too full to eat?

Irony? Maybe, but I doubt it. It was totally opposite from how i was feel earlier. I was starving! But when I was getting that starving feeling..I just ate pasta and a salad at church. An hour before that i had dinner at work and 3-4hrs before that i hate lunch! so whhhhyyy was i still hungry??!

I'm going to let that be my weekend's thought about what is it that I'm really hungry for. But in the book, it shares that the hunger that we have for worldly things should be a resounding bell in our relationship with Christ. Like when we're in a relationship with another person...we want to give them our all and show them our best. Isn't Christ, whom died for us, worth the same attention?

He shares two key Scriptures & a testimony (that you really just have to pick up the book to just really allow that thing to marinate on your mind and yoru heart) that really pulled things together for me:

Matthew 5:6 says, " Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." And I think of this Scripture as a testimony to how God consistently grants me mercy and grace despite me. Sometimes I feel like Peter did on the boat when God said "cast your nets" and when Peter was finally filled because he finally listened to God he fell to his knees and bowed and said, and I paraphrase, "Lord, get out of my sight because I am a sinner." I feel Peter on that. We're hungry and we're thirsty, but we don't want to comply with the directions the Director is giving. Why is this so hard?

Jeremiah 15:16 says, "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty." This is so true. We all bear His name by being born, whether we know it or not. We go further in bearing His name when we define ourselves as His followers. "I am a Christian, right?" < this might be another lesson. But Jeremiah's words seemed to sail on the page seamlessly because it seemed like it came from the heart. Like a short poem to just honor God and say, "I was hungry, and you fed me."

Irony? Nah, I think God's requesting me to eat a whole lot more than what I'm currently consuming. Just eat out of the right bowls, B. The right bowls.

note: day 4

Monday, March 28, 2011

where are thou romeo?

so, it looks like im becoming a Dancing with the Stars fan! tuned in for the whole episode tonight for the first time in the history of this show...BIG DEAL! now, it's quite OBVIOUS that there's some handsome fellas on this show, but have you seen Romeo (aka Lil Romeo) lately? dude is looking about right, right?! To add, he was impressive on the dance floor tonight that I was totally motivated to vote for him (and Sugar Ray) tonight and NOT only because he's handsome...or should i say FINE? i havent used that F word in a really long time to describe a man.

not gonna lie...wasnt the lil romeo fan at the slightest. i think i was still stupid on B2K (smh) but i loved this video because it was absolutely hilarious...and the elbow swing at the end is a flippin classic! we probably did this a thousand times in my living room growing up...ahh...lil romeo aint so little NO MO!

annnyywaaayyyy...let me not dwell on all the handsome goodness on the show this season. im excited to see the progress even though i am SURE i will be missing the elimination show tomorrow! day 3 of the social networking fast. how you feeling about DWTS? you watching? =)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

FAST REPORT: casting the net.

on day 2 of my social networking fast. didn't think it would be this difficult. im not even allowed to go to the site to peep around..nope! deleted the apps from my phone and it's definately not easy. i almost feel...pathetic. i was thinking when i woke up, "what a great revelation i just had. i should share it on twitter." out of the question! and then my mind started thinking...what did you do before you started this social networking nonsense? WRITING! i was an active journal/diary writer, and since the fast started, i've had at leats one entry a day in my journal and posted here so im on a roll! it's not like i can do anything else...

but the fast was much needed. it came to me that between the social sites/apps i visit, almost daily, i've totally neglicted my need to read and devote more time to quiet time. spending that 10-15 minutes just browsing those sites left little time to just be still...in my God space and totally disconnected. so im going to try and stay as committed as i can to this and not find something other than my purposed resources to fill those spaces.

in the meantime, didnt know God was going to start working so soon...three things struck me this weekend to become my week's focus. nothing that i had planned to find something in...it just came to me.

(1) the movie Limitless
(2) Day 12 "Death...and your good clothes" of the Book A Call to Die
(3) Pastor's sermon today "Go Fish"

Not gonna lie, Limitless was a good movie! At the end of the movie, I really couldn't grasp if I should be learning something from this movie or whether it was just a display for pure entertainment and nothing to really take from it. If you haven't seen it, I'm definately going to spoil it a little bit, but I'm concerned whether this movie gives a false since of security that a certain staus is equivalent to happiness. That money and power can solve all of your problems. What in fact happened is the people who took the pill totally became different type of people. It reminded me of someone who had a few drinks. That might be totally mellow otherwise, and a few drinks turns them into a different type of person. They become addicted to that person they are when they drink that having fun without the drink is almost impossible. It isn't reality, and it's just a cover up. I thought at the end of the movie...did he kill the old person he was in order to have this person? It made me wonder how do I value success? How do I define my happiness? Saturday, I was riding down Richmond. Windows down, music going and I'm genuinely happy. I have no worries, and I regret nothing. I have no envy for what others have because I'm aware that if God wanted me to have it, I'd have it. I may not make 100k, but my life FEELS LIKE I make 100k. It's worth more to me to have that joy. Even more so, that joy attracts great things that are for you to happen in your favor. So why need a miracle pill for something God's already lined up for you? Good movie though. Plus, I hate pharmaceutical drugs, so I'd pass anyway!

Sadly, I'm still working on the book A Call to Die. A 40 day read, and I'm three months in. Really sad, but I do plan to finish it this time. Day 12 focused on Colossians 3:5,9-10. It seemed to reiterate the reason I decided to do this version of my fast. Kill the earthly nature in order to indulge in "renewed knowledge in the image of its Creator". This book has really been challenging me to be a more mindful thinker. To be aware that growing is a different process at different staging in our lives. My growth process now is different than 2-3 years ago so when I read that Scripture saying find "renewed knowledge"...I was confused at first. Now, I'm aware that one lesson observed in the Bible maybe a few years ago is totally different to my life now. In fact, the way I react to understanding the purpose is different. I'm consistently grateful to the revelations of this book. It's not an easy read though especially because it's all about bringing awareness to where you need to develop better. But how fun would life be if it was always comfortable anyway?

Pastor started a sermon series today. I wasn't even going to go to service today, but I was reeled in by my conscious/Holy Spirit ...however you would like to call it. His lesson came from a familiar Scripture in Luke 5..or is it 6? One of them it is when Jesus was with Simon (Peter) when he went fishing to cast his net off the boat. The sermon really solidified my confirmation that my social networking fast was not only necessary but in alignment to take my networking to a different level not only with God but with people. Pastor continued to reiterate that Simon didn't understand the purpose why Jesus requested him to cast his net again even though he'd been fishing all day and didn't catch anything! I totally understand Peter's perspective. Sometimes the purpose of something that God places on our heart isn't always going to be in full vision at that moment. Is that what faith is for? It takes the place of fear. Wow, irony that we've been teaching the kids all month about having courage.

So it seems like every year is becoming a new lesson about allowing your senses to be awakened in a different way. In the movie, his senses were opened in a pill. In Scripture, Simon's senses were awakened after Jesus showed his committment to Simon even though he was doubtful of Him. It's all about being awakened and not losing yourself in order to superficially fit into a mold that doesn't (1) bring joy (2) reconcile your place with God. Casting out our nets to totally find exactly what we need in order to get everything we want. Taking the chance on trusting God on His many promises and making ourselves step out of the norm in order to fulfill those needs. In the end, without the two, it's impossible to totally be free. Freedom is in death of self.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fat Ho Burgers...nah, it's real!

My sister found this online, and I thought it was fake. Nope, it's real. It's a real burger joint! It's in Waco of all places at that! Waco? I think it's hilarious, so I decided to share. Would you order a Supa Dupa Fly Ho with Cheese?

I want to go to Waco just to try it now...

Happy Saturday =)

Can you really pray away gay?

It's been almost 2 weeks since the documentary aired on the OWN Channel facilitated by Lisa Ling. Intriguing title, right? As a Christian, I was instantly enticed. As a human, I was curious about the dynamic of certain people's thought processes. Let me begin by saying that YES I do believe that you can pray the gay away. According to Scripture, not only can we "move mountains" but with faith the size of a muster seed, God can do ANYTHING. [Mark 11:22-24] & [Luke 17:6]

I did a previous post where I visited an art exhibit that focused on the GLBT community. It was...interesting, but could I ever say I understand what it's like to be gay? Hell no. Never. The place where we collide is when they make the bold decision to say, "I'm a Christian." In thought, this is a complete oxymoron, right? How can you be gay and be Christian? Wait, remember the story of Soddom and Gommorah? Don't you remember the Bible stating that man and man and woman and woman should not lie together?

TANGENT: Why is Christianity always singled about this? How come no one discusses this in other religions, and Yahweh (who is Christ in the New Testament) gets all the hate? If you have an answer, I'd love to talk with you.

Hmmm...it seems like a collision of extreme differences. I must admit. I don't see the courage in "coming out the closet". I see the courage in admitting you love God even if you run the risk of Him not loving you back (according to what gay-bashers believe). I've come to the conclusion that our relationship with God is different for each one of us. With the years of stigma against homosexuality, who would chose that life? I do not, necessarily, believe that ALL of them chose to go down this road. However, I do believe that God uses each one of us differently which is why we go down different paths in order to receive Him.

The core of the film made me realize a motif after observing the different lifestyles: (1) Prior gay man who was now married with two children (2) Gay man who used to condemn the lifestyle and eventually embraced it with a partner (3) Teens who are gay and found community in a camp that embraced them (4) Gay man who engulfed in the lifestyle and turned from it after visiting a church < The motif, common thread, I discovered in eahc of them was that...THAT EACH LOVED GOD!

I was entralled by their committment to still serve God regardless of the direction they went. I believe God speaks to each of us in His way, and I can't state that there's one sin that God hates more than another. I am aware that God's heart is broken when our heart is not with Him. Isaiah 29: 13 says, "The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

Yet, I identify with the Christians who sincerely believe that find no liking to the lifestyle or the decision to live it because in the end there's free will..which I agree. We must be mindful that as Christians/Non-Christians we cannot make others adopt our view. Their heart has to be drawn to God.

Towards the end of the film, one of the men mentioned that he believed that he didn't make up his mind that being gay was wrong...God did. Does he believe that a gay person can still go to Heaven? Why, yes. Why? Because he believed that God is more concerned with the matters of the heart.

Do I believe that being gay is wrong? I believe it's contradicting to what the Word says is the foundation of procreating and establishing a family is. It is a sin just like lying, adultery or dishonoring our parents. We just weren't made to do the things that God created a man and woman to do with the same sex. But more than anything, the Bible says that Jesus died that all who love Him with live with Him forever. The center of Christ is love when you chase after Him. And our purpose is to love the person not the sin. It is no different than anyone I know who is having issues with any other life choice.

But I actively encourage those who identify themselves as gay and struggling with the direction that God wants them to go to...PRAY! I believe that there is sincere power in prayer, and God is capable of doing ANYTHING if we chose to follow Him.

We're all fighting a battle trying to go the same way. I just figured I'd offer my honest opinion. This was a great documentary. If you are interested in viewing it, you can visit oprah.com/OWN to few the episode.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

you're beautiful.

a friend shared this with me. the video immediately had me captivated. what is this? two black people...nude? i dont think they will play this on television! but as i kept watching...i felt like i looking at moving art. i havent been captivated by music (at least the recent releases) in a long time.

this video. this song. made.me.think.about.love. and what it looks like. and what it feels like. and what it sounds like. it sounds like...harmony. this video. this song. is abstract. you can look at it, hear it and embrace it from many different directions. it is indeed art.

i know many of us have wondered if "real love" with another person outside of the love we're already offered with God...is real. is love like that real? the man he craddled her. the way she looked at him...like a king. she trusted this man so mcuh so that carrying on his "legacy" was a privledge to her. i am engulfed by the committment by this couple.

i just wanted to share it. a reminder to myself. a reminder to countless faithful singles who are believing, just like i am, that a king/queen is the future and that a committment like this would be like singing to the Heavens that you're proud to stand close enough to them to be one person.


Artist: Timothy Bloom
Site: Facebook or MySpace

Saturday, January 15, 2011

just for T.O.N.Y

When I first thought about writing this, it was titled, “I hate T.O.N.Y” because you think about T.O.N.Y nothing about him makes you think with a clear head. Haven’t we all had those T.O.N.Y moments? That man/woman whom absolutely became a consumption and a feeling that all of a sudden things changed? For whatever the reason for the change, the love...the need for them and the desire did not go away. The realization is that you just can’t have it like that anymore. It’s not at your disposal. You can’t control him/her but you can’t control how you feel either. Hmm…then, the hate sets in. “I hate him. I can’t stand him.” Quotes that are often untrue but easier to say than admitting that you still love someone who is no longer healthy for you. It’s the hate of how you can’t handle the confusion.

Although the song is referencing a relationship she had with a man, we can encounter T.O.N.Y with our friends and our lovers. I too have had similar experiences but how we deal with them becomes our defying moment that T.O.N.Y simply cannot offer us. I tried to think of Scripture that would be fitting for this, but it wasn’t until recently while studying with a friend that I realized Luke 5 is a great way to recover from T.O.N.Y.! Why? Because it teaches the lesson of being out with the old and being in with the new!

In this point in Jesus’ life, He was doing miracles, healing people, prophesying and being an example. All the while, He had the naysayers and nonbelievers following His every move and discounting His work. Can we equate these naysayers to T.O.N.Y? Yes! Whether he/she walked away or whether we chose to send them packing, it was GOOD reason for doing so! Maybe they were supportive, became a person who revealed they were unreliable or trustworthy, a person of little faith and small minded…whatever it was, it was a GOOD reason for YOU and that’s all that really matters! This is the same with Jesus’ message in Luke 5. He decided to make a change in things that He saw fit to be changed ACCORDING to God’s mission for Him. The people whom were used to following the NORM weren’t ready to accept His change but one thing I’ve learned from Jesus’ ministry is that He didn’t waste time trying to CONVINCE you that what He was doing was right with His words…He was a man of action and conviction and diligence which is something the Pharisees didn’t appreciate. He just moved forward regardless of what any else said He knew that this was what He was supposed to do. Although it is harder for most of us to relieve our minds and our hearts of T.O.N.Y because he/she has been with us for a long time and has also been with us in good and bad times, we references Ecclesiastes that reiterates that there’s a time for everything! And there time is UP!

When we get to the point where we’ve accepted that this individual is no longer going to move forward with us, there will be people (including T.O.N.Y) who will either support you or discount you. Have you heard these before?
- “He takes good care of you. If he cheated, you need to forgive for the sake of the family…”
- “Nobody’s going to love you the way that I did”
- “You can’t continue doing this without me! It will fail!”
- “Girl, I am SO glad you left him! You know n*ggas ain’t no good anyway!”
That’s just to name a few. The last one was like a positive negative. They are supportive of you but in general, they still place a negative connotation on the collective. We must be mindful of all the good and the bad feedback we receive and weed it out to focus on our decision being our decision allow. It is okay to seek WISE counsel (the Bible supports this) but the decision has to ultimately align with what our hearts know is correct. If you refer to Luke 5:15-16, you notice that Jesus was receiving great feedback after people saw all that He was equipped to do. Yet and still, He “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” It brings into perspective how Jesus dealt with making decisions, good and bad ones regardless of public response. He spent time praying and being alone which is OFTEN the best decision when we know we are making decisions that will provide overall and personal change!

But I know it’s easier said than done! You might feel like Beyonce in the verses of this song (see below):

I know I did, and it doesn’t feel good at all. It’s a work in progress from moving T.O.N.Y from being seen in the positive light because all we want to remember are the best of memories but we have to accept the reality that they were a learning presence in that point in our lives and God will not remove something it is not going to be replaced with something better! It goes back moving us from the old and into the new and I love how The Message Bible translation sums it up in Luke 5:36-39. And if continues to be difficult, I always found this video a comic relief and another way of putting things into perspective >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wykNRjoU8jo We love the T.O.N.Y for what they were because sometimes it’s not that they did anything wrong to us it’s just simply that they no longer fit into God’s plan for us and that’s okay too. =) Good luck.

Monday, January 3, 2011

#1 cause of death amongst blacks??


i hope yours was as FABULOUS as my own!

I definately wanted to share that i saw this commercial that grasped me while in bed all day yesterday. Whether you've made the decision to the pro-choice or pro-life, I think we can all agree that the facts do not lie and quite frankly, this is a huge problem in our community. There is more information available by visiting BlackDignity.org

In a recent episode Teen Mom's "No Easy Decision", Anne Chan of the Today show gave some commentary and also posted a clip from the gripping episode. It was disturbing, disheartening and also interesting to watch.

A related topic at the Washington Post provided commentary on the episode that gives some insight into what some viewers may have also felt about the teen mom.

However, I was disappointed that the episode or commentators did not bring into discussion the statistics of African America women and the long term and short term effects that this decision can have on the mindset. Even as a 24 yr old stable woman, I cannot imagine what this would do to my psychy. The thought of what could be going through their minds are only a travesty. In addition, the inadequacy of the locales in providing after-math support to these young girls and women after making such a life altering decision. Although many may appear that it is a life saving decision (for the women not the child), it's touch on these women to handle what has happended to them.

I've met and known many women like Markita, and I hope that we will become more responsible in educating our girls and women in how to ABSTAIN rather than how to PREVENT because the only 100% prevention is and I figured thats a whole new disucssion altogether! I know right, HOW DARE ANYONE ASK YOU TO SAVE YOUR BODY! But seriously, we should promote some aspects of avoiding the immediate gratifications of sexual encounters to appreciating the relationships in our lives and courting to marriage. I mean, does courting totally not exist anymore? Probably a totally other discussion as well...hmph...

and on that note, i figured i'd share a classic video.